Wednesday, December 12, 2012

On My TTC Journey, Thus Far

This is a post I'm hoping to update as I go along on this journey with all of my "stats"...


Off BCP & Temping since 02/12

Using OPKs, D3, & B6 since 04/12

Luteal Phase Defect & Thin Endometrial Lining


06/18/12 - Consultation with First RE's office
06/19/12 - HSG = Normal
07/02/12 - 7DPO Bloodwork = Slightly low progesterone
07/07/12 - Baseline Bloodwork = All Normal
07/10/12 - Baseline Ultrasound = All Normal
07/23/12 - Follow-up appointment with First RE's office, recommended to do Clomid with IUI/trigger


Cycle #7 08/02/12 - 1st Medicated Cycle - Clomid 50mg + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
08/13/12 CD12 U/S = 4mm lining, 23mm follice on right, 14mm & 15mm follicle on left, triggered at 9:30pm
08/15/12 = IUI at 9:30am


Cycle #8 - Tamoxifen 20mg + Ovidrel + IUI + Progesterone = BFN
09/10/12 CD12 U/S = 4mm lining, 20mm follice on right - was surging on my own, so triggered at 2pm
09/11/12 = IUI at 9:30am


09/26/12 - "Next Steps" appointment with First RE's office - Suggested by RE to move to injectibles after Cycle #9. Seeking 2nd opinion on 10/18/12.


Cycle #9 - Break Cycle. No temping, no meds, no OPKs.


10/10/12 - Accupuncture


10/18/12 - New RE suggests monitoring cycle and possible use of Menopur. Sees no evidence I don't produce "good eggs" on my own.


Cycle #10 = Natural monitoring cycle by new RE with progesterone after O = BFN
10/25/12 CD11 U/S = 3.5mm lining, 17mm follicle.
10/27/12 CD13 U/S = 5mm lining, 20mm follicle. Surging on my own - earliest ever without medications!


Cycle #11 = Natural IUI cycle with trigger & progesterone after O = BFN
11/24/12 CD11 U/S = 6mm lining (thickest EVER!), 19.6mm follicle. Triggered with 10000 units HCG at 7:15pm.
11/26/12 = IUI = U/S showed egg release, lining at 4mm. 41 million post wash.
12/03/12 = 7DPIUI b/w & u/s = lining at 5mm
12/04/12 = started progesterone injections

Recommendation for next cycle is injectibles


Cycle #12 - Menopur 75iu CD8 - CD12 + HCG Trigger + IUI = BFP
12/17/12 CD3 U/S = 3mm IE, looking good for injectibles for lining
12/22/12 = CD8 U/S = 4mm IE lining, 14.3mm follicle on right ovary, started Menopur 75iu that night.
12/24/12 = CD10 U/S = 4mm IE lining, 16mm & 13mm follicles on right ovary
12/26/12 = CD12 U/S = 5mm IE/TL lining, 19mm & 14.3mm follicles on right. Last Menopur 75iu at 4:15pm, triggered with 10000 units HCG at 7pm.
12/28/12 = IUI = U/S showed egg release of larger follicle/possible release of smaller follicle, lining at 5mm IE. 30 million post wash.
12/29/12 = started Endometrin 100mg 3x daily & Progesterone injections
01/04/13 = 7DPIUI b/w & u/s = lining at 4mm. Did Lupron shot.
01/07/13 = 8pm = BFP on Wondfo internet cheapie! 9:30pm = BFP on digital!
01/08/13 = told DH
01/10/13 = 13DPO = Beta 306, Prog. 62
01/14/13 = 17DPO/4wk3d = Beta 1816
01/17/13 = 20DPO/4w6d = Beta 6007, saw little bean on ultrasound!
01/29/13 = 6w4d = TWINS! Baby A = 128bpm, Baby B = 120bpm
02/11/13 = 8w3d = Baby A =167, Baby B = 163
02/22/13 = 10w = Baby A = 163, Baby B = 164

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