I had my CD8 ultrasound and bloodwork on Saturday. It showed 4mm lining (boo!) and a 14.3mm follicle on my right ovary. They had me start Menopur 75iu that night. DH prepped the shot and administered it for me. It actually was kind of painful when he pushed the meds (the needle itself didn't hurt) but other than that, absolutely no side effects.
I went for my follow up ultrasound and bloodwork today - lining was 5mm, which is still sucky but an improvement for me and my follicle grew to 16mm and I have another one sneaking up at 13mm. Twins?! LOL. I am doing 2 more days of Menopur, then go back for ultrasound on Wednesday. I am willing to bet I'll trigger Wednesday night and IUI Friday.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
sending you allllllllllllll of my pregnancy vibes!