Tuesday, February 5, 2013

On 4W5D & When to Tell?

Originally written: Wednesday, January 16th, 10:30am

My repeat beta on Monday was wonderful - 1816. My first ultrasound is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30am. After the ultrasound, we have a meeting with a "pregnancy nurse" at the RE's office. DH is able to come with me to the ultrasound and we are both beyond excited. I'm trying not to get my hopes up since I know I won't be able to hear a heartbeat, or possibly even see a heartbeat, but it's hard not to get excited. We should also be able to see if there's 1 DH-sized baby in there (lol) or twins. I just feel so happy that we are even getting to this point.

I had an appointment with my regular endocrinologist yesterday. They always said that as soon as I found out I was pregnant, I needed to come in in case they need to adjust my Synthroid. I have a long-standing relationship with this doctor and this practice, and he was beyond thrilled with my news. He knew of our struggles and he just seemed genuinely happy for me. I love having doctors I love. I did an immediate blood draw, and he said I need to call in a week to see if my Synthroid needs to be adjusted. Then, I come back every month to check on my levels. I usually go every quarter, so every month is a change - but I know my thyroid needs to be closely monitored.

As far as symptoms, I really don't have many. I have a constant "pulling" in my belly, like stretching or something. I wake up starving every morning. I have tiny bouts of nausea, and seem to gag when I'm brushing my teeth for some reason, lol. My belly is super bloated, none of my pants are fitting right, but I think that's mostly from the progesterone. I've gained about 2 lbs, but again, I think alot of that is from the bloating and the progesterone.

My plan is to not publish these posts until we tell our families what is going on. I mean really, most of my "regular" visitors to my blog already know what's going on because they have been online TTC friends that I've already shared the news with. But besides a select few close friends, we haven't told anyone yet. (And really, anyone else who checks this blog could see my HPT+ status by looking at my FF chart, lol.) I just don't want our families to find out any other way than through us. So, it's safer to not publish these yet.

I'm debating when to tell our families. Part of me wants to tell them now, part of me wants to wait until after our first ultrasound, and part of me wants to wait until we hear the heartbeat. It's really hard for me to keep a secret from my family, especially because I literally see my dad every single day at work. It's a double edged sword to me - I don't want to tell them yet because it's early and we could lose the baby, but then I want to tell them so that if, heaven forbid, we lose the baby, we would have their support. My parents are fully aware of our fertility struggles, but I don't think he's told his family (he's not super close with his mom, and I'm not sure it's something he would discuss with his dad). So, I'm not sure if us "trying" is even on their radar.

I ordered my sisters and his sister these cute frames that say "Guess Who's Going to be An Aunt" with a spot for the ultrasound picture. Since they all live across the country, my plan was to mail them the frames but write "don't open until you call me" all over the package. Then, we could Facetime or chat on the cell phone as they opened them. I was thinking of inviting my parents and his mom (his dad lives across the country) to dinner and telling them then somehow - either with an "I'm Pregnant" cake or special frames or special onesies. We may need to do the mail the package thing with his dad, too.

I don't plan on announcing on Facebook until we are out of the first trimester. I want to get our dog a "big brother" t-shirt and take a picture of him in it and post with the announcement.

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